Ealing's Local Planning Review
Local residents have been angry that many developments are too tall, overbearing and not beneficial to the local area.
Two years ago, Ealing Liberal Democrat Councillors campaigned for Ealing Labour to update its local planning policies so that the Council will listen to residents, and developers would propose developments that will be more respectful of our local area.
The proposed new Local Plan is likely to determine the height of developments, changing of the land use, the definition of suitable development in the borough, and community infrastructure that developers must commit to (such as GP surgeries, schools, and more) when they build.
The Liberal Democrats have suggested that residents, businesses and community groups argue for:
- Developments to include a higher percentage of genuinely affordable housing and prohibiting inappropriately tall buildings;
- A higher percentage of carbon neutral developments and fining developers for failing to meet this target;
- Greater protection our open spaces from development to safeguard endangered species, such as those in Warren Farm (Ealing’s largest nature reserve).
- Ealing to retain our parks' designation as Metropolitan Open Land (MOL) or Green Belt rather than removing them which will allow the Council to build on these open spaces in the future.
Please visit the Council website to make your views known: www.ealing.gov.uk/info/201164/local_plan/3125/new_local_plan/3
The consultation is due to close on the 8th February 2023.